Work with a functional medicine hormone specialist and find the root cause of your hormone imbalance, enjoy a healthy cycle, and boost your fertility.
Make peace with your hormones with natural hormone imbalance treatment.
The female hormonal system ideally should work like a symphony, with all the complex elements joining in at the right time. However, it is typically the case with women’s hormonal issues that all the components of the system are in place—they just need harmonizing.
I use a combination of Chinese medicine and functional medicine to powerfully, yet gently, help your body regain its natural hormonal harmony.
Women's bodies are amazing!
As women, we have the capacity to create and nourish life. Caught up in the pace of our modern world, it’s easy to forget that we were also born with a natural ability to heal and return to balance.
As a woman, I am passionate about helping women reclaim their natural strength and vitality. One thing I love about traditional Chinese medicine is that for thousands of years, the mind-body-spirit connection has been an indispensable part of diagnosis and treatment.
Find the right hormone imbalance treatment
Many women have told me how good it feels to be listened to, and for the unique needs of their spirit as well as the physical body to be honored.
Sometimes it can be tough to be a woman. It can feel like our bodies are against us! But it doesn’t have to be this way. It just takes persistence and a willingness to look at our hormones as part of the bigger picture.
It might seem like our bodies are a collection of parts—but everything works together as a whole system. As a functional medicine hormone specialist, I want to give you hope that it is possible to find the root causes of hormonal issues and balance them with holistic methods, and feel amazing in the long run!
Q: Why is it important to balance female hormones naturally?
In many medical settings, a hormone imbalance treatment will make use of synthetic hormones to regulate the menstrual cycle or to reduce adult acne breakouts (such as birth control pills for PCOS or endometriosis).
You might choose to use synthetic hormones as a reliable method of birth control, but what you may not know is that these hormones are working by shutting down the natural rhythm of your menstrual cycle. In other words, by suppressing ovulation.
In this scenario the underlying cause of the hormonal imbalance is not addressed or repaired this way—only temporarily covered up and put on hold.
Q: Who can benefit from a natural approach to female hormone balance?
Q: What kind of natural hormone imbalance treatments work best?
Q: When is the best time to get started with hormone imbalance treatment?
Q: How long do hormone imbalance treatments last?
Discover a root cause approach to hormone balance
Call to schedule now!
I am a functional medicine hormone specialist and acupuncturist located in Gainesville, Florida.
I'm currently offering treatments for patients at Bodies in Balance Acupuncture in their Northwest Gainesville clinic.
Let's discuss if this is the right treatment for you.
Being Well Medicine LLC
Dorothy S. Wells, AP, DACM
Acupuncture Physician
Functional Medicine Specialist